Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miles_albritton/
Personal Bio: Communications/Journalism Major at Shippensburg University. Im a super outgoing, fun-loving, family oriented guy. The only thing I need is a little bit of adventure in life or I start to get bored. If there is an opportunity to learn or experience something new I’ll always take it.
Scopes Bio: I started working at Scopes at the beginning of the summer of 2018. It was love at first sight! Being able to spend my days getting a tan while at the same time constantly improving my social and sales skills... what more could you ask for? Anyone who has any people skills can excel at this job if they put in the work. As for me, I’m planning on continuing to work for this company and the awesome people who run it for many more summers to come.
Advice for a future Recruit: Someone once said this better than me but, You’re already out there you might as well be doing the best job you can, every umbrella is a money sign.