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Brian Tintea
Research & Development Chemist At PhytogenX Inc.

Personal Bio: I am a recent University of Delaware graduate focused in a career in developing Cosmetic and Personal Care products, currently working at PhytogenX in Pennsylvania. I mainly develop things like shampoo and body wash but I embrace new opportunities to create novel products and solve challenging problems imposed by an industry gradually trending toward more natural ingredients and processes. Outside of work, I spend a lot of time with friends and family, as well as working out and playing competitive tennis with friends. I also have a massive appreciation for football and baseball.


Testimonial: My experience with Telescope Pictures began as a leap of faith I took when I had no work plans for Summer 2017 and saw a posting on my school's internship/job website. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into, had never even heard of scopes, but I was drawn to the opportunity to make a lot of money and experience something totally new. I came in later than all the new recruits and with very limited knowledge of how to talk to complete strangers or how to take pictures with a real camera. Fast forward a few weeks and I had earned the nickname "The Machine" because of my nonstop motor and growing passion for providing a fun and memorable experience to literally every person I saw on my beach. I became deeply competitive with myself and constantly sought new ways to stretch my abilities and refine my professionalism. I was fueled by heartwarming thank yous from happy customers, high fives from kids, and encouragement from everyone in the scopes team. I only scoped for Summer 2017 because I got a full time job the following summer to start off my career, but it's hard to imagine who I would be had I not immersed myself in this opportunity with Telescope Pictures. Without a doubt it was the best summer of my life. 


Being a Scoper taught me some incredible lessons that have changed my life:

-True success is experienced by expanding your comfort zone

-Failure is the greatest teacher

-Never underestimate the power of a smile

-You can master anything if you focus all of your energy on it and surround yourself with mentors

-The only thing holding you back is yourself


Summers completed at Telescope Pictures: 1


Advice to a future recruit: My advice to a future recruit is this: Get out of your comfort zone, embrace new opportunities and challenges. That's the way to make great friends, experience true enjoyment, and learn who you really are.



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